Sears 831.15934 User Manual

Page 16

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After you hove Applied a deco! to tf>e exercise insert for each of the exercises tKol you want to include in your first

workout, fit tfie four fobs on the insert info the slots in the lower pari of the computer. Make sure thot the insert is turned

so the spaces on the insert numbered 1

.rough 10 ore vi sible [The use of the remaining spaces on the insert will be

exploined later.)

The next step in erecting o workout program is to program a weight, set and resistance setting for each exercise on the

exercise insert, and to store the workout on the CUSTOM SMART CARD. Press the CREATE PROGRAM button. The indi­

color next to the button will light. Press the right or left arrow on the NEXT button, if necessary, until the indicator is

flashing on the first exercise on the insert. The number of the exercise will be shown in the CALORIES/EXERCISE NO.

display. Progrom the desired weight setting for the first exercise by pressing the increose or decrease button beneath

the WEIGHT display. Each time one of the buttons is pressed, the weight setting will change by 1 pound. The buttons

con be held down to progrom a weight setting quickly. Next, press the increase or decreose buttons beneath the SETS

end REPS displays to program the desired numbers of sets and repetitions for the first exercise. Each time one of the

buttons is pressed, the number of sets or repetitions will change by 1. When you hove programmed the desired weight,

set and repetition settings, press the STORE button. The indicator will remain lighted on the first exercise on the insert,

ond the indicobr will begin flashing on the next exercise on the insert. Program weight, set and repetition settings for the

next exercise os described above. Press the STORE button. Repeat the procedure described above for each of the exer­

cises on the insert. The workout will then be stored on the CUSTOM SMART CARD.

When you ore ready to do the workout, press the RUN PROGRAM button. The indicator next to the button will light.

The indicators will light on alt of the exercises on the exercise insert, and the indicator on the first exercise will begin

flashing. Begin the first exercise. (Refer to poges 17 through


of this owner's manual for information obout the proper

form for the exercise.) As you exercise, the computer will provide the some feedbock os when it is in the monuol mode.

When oil repetitions and sets hove been completed for the first exercise, press the right arrow on the NEXT button until

the indicator is flashing on the next exercise on the exercise insert. Perform the next exercise os described obove.

Continue in this manner until oil of the exercises included in the workout hove been completed.

The workout con be revised os your fitness level increases or your gods change. To revise the workout, first press the

CREATE PROGRAM button. To revise the settings for on exercise, press the right or left orrow on the NEXT button until

the indicotor is floshing on the exercise thot you wont to revise. Press the increase or decrease button below the

WEIGHT, SETS or REPS display to change the setting. Press the STORE button. To delete on exercise, press the right or

left orrow on the NEXT button until the indicator Is flashing on the exercise that you wont to delete. Press the DELETE

button. Remove the decal for the exercise from the exercise insert. To odd on exercise, otioch o decal to the insert ond

press the right or left arrow on the NEXT button until the indicator is flashing on the new exercise on the insert. Program

weight, set ond repetition settings os described above. Press the STORE button.

Becouse there ore 40 spoces on the exercise insert, o number of different workouts con be stored on the CUSTOM

SMART CARD at the some time. For example, your exercise program could include three different workouts—one for

Mondays, one for Wednesdays, and one for Fridays. Or, you could create two different workouts using the spoces num­

bered 1 through 20 on the insert, and o training partner could create Nvo different workouts using the spaces num­

bered 21 through 40. To do one of the workouts, first press the RUN PROGRAM button. Press the right or left orrow on

the NEXT button until the indicator is flashing on the first exercise of the workout that you wont to do. Then, complete

the workout os described above. The CUSTOM SMART CARD con be programmed in o variety of ways to fit your indi-

viduol needs.


To turn off the power, press the POWER button. Note; If no buttons on the computer ore pressed for 30 minutes, the

power will turn off cjtomoHcally. The transformer should be unplugged from the 120-volt outlet during periods of nonuse.

