Audible signal selection, Cooking hints when using a programmer, Using your programmer – Ariston DOV317 User Manual

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Using Your Programmer...

Minute Minder

^ Press button A and then press the

or—buttons to set the required length

of time.

<i> The interval time requested, the^ and will be displayed. After five seconds

the display will revert back to the time of day and the ^ and will remain


^ The time remaining can be displayed by pressing the




At the end of the timed period the bieeper will sound, the will stay

illuminated and the ^ will go out.

Press any function button to cancel the bleeper.

The programmer will remain in manual mode.

Note - The minute minder can be cancelled at any time by pressing the



and then the — button to return the display to 0.00.

Audible Signal Selection

Pressing buttonwithout having selected a previous function within 5
seconds will allow you to change the tone of the bieeper.

By releasing and re-pressing the — button, up to three different bleeper tones

can be selected.

Cooking Hints When Using a Programmer

Please remember the oven is not a refrigerator and especially in periods of warm

weather, it should not be used as a storage cupboard for perishable foods. When

cooking perishable food by automatic control, certain precautions should be taken

to prevent food spoilage:


Make sure that all food is cold (preferably straight from the fridge) and fresh.

Keep the delay period as short as possible by cooking stews and joints by the
long slow method.

Be particularly careful over food selection during warm weather.

When cooking poultry, ensure that it is cold but not frozen when placed in the oven.

Cover dishes with foil or lids to prevent loss of liquid. Foods which are strong

smelling should also be covered.

Protect foods which discolour by brushing with fat or water to which lemon

juice has been added.

Use frozen vegetables and fruit as they are Ideal for this type of cooking.

^ Do not

Place food in an oven which is warm from previous use.

Cook dishes such as plate pies or custard tarts - wet mixtures standing on
uncooked pastry for a long time are unsatisfactory.

Use cream as it may curdle. It can be added just before serving.

