Z>pouuty, O cooking time, Fan oven cooking guide – Ariston DOV317 User Manual

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...Fan Oven Cooking Guide...

All meat should be thoroughly thawed before cooking. Wipe the meat with damp

kitchen paper or wash very quickly in cold water and dry well.

To reduce the fuming and spluttering, which often occurs with high temperature

roasting, raise the meat on a trivet and place Vi a pint of water in the roasting tin. This
may be replenished if necessary then used as a concentrated stock for gravy.

When cooking a complete meal In the oven It may be necessary to raise the oven

temperature towards the end of the cooking period - for example to cook a Yorkshire

Pudding to serve with roast beef.

The recommended times may vary depending whether you prefer meat rare, medium

or well cooked.


If the bird Is frozen it must be completely thawed before cooking, the best results will

be obtained if the thawing takes place slowly In a cool atmosphere. The flesh of the
bird should be quite soft before cooking commences. Remember to remove the
giblets which are usually packed in polythene and frozen inside the bird.

The time taken to thaw depends on the size of the bird, and the instructions on the

pack should be followed.

All birds should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water before cooking. Allow the water
to run right through the bird, drain and dry well with absorbent kitchen paper.

The main oven will hold an oven ready turkey of 9Kg (201b).

O Cooking Time

A completely accurate time for roasting cannot be given, as it depends on the size

and age of the bird. The cooking chart below is intended as a general guide.


Temperature and time


17G/180°C approx. 20 to 35 mins per lb (500g) + 20 to 30 mins over


17G/180°C approx. 25 - 35 mins per lb (500g) + 20 to 35 mins over


170/180°C approx. 30 to 40 nvns po* lb (500g) + 30 to 40 mins over


170/180°C approx. 30 to 40 nvns per lb (500g) + 30 to 40 mins over


170/180°C approx. 15 to 20 mins per lb (500g) + 20 mins over


150/160°C up to 14 lb (7 kilo) allow 12 nvns per lb (29 mins per kilo) + 12 mins over.

N.B. • for larger birds allow 10 mins per lb over 14 lbs and roast at approximately 150°C



150°C approx. 1


to 2 hours depending upon size of cubes of meat.

The settings and times shown in this table give results to satisfy average tastes but you can vary the times if you wish to get the

exact result you require.

Test to see if poultry is cooked by gently moving the leg, which should feel loose at the joint, or pierce the thigh with a fine s/rewec

the juices should be almost colourless.

