33 user controls, Osd menu overview, Osd menu quick start – Hatteland Display 23 inch - JH 23T14 MMD User Manual

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User Controls


OSD Menu Quick Start

To understand the workflow of the OSD menu, follow these steps for a quick start. The table shows the various OSD

overlays you might encounter while navigating, adjusting parameters or when text messages are displayed. The OSD

menu always remembers its last position which is indicated by the red bar.


Press the

physical MENU button for 3 sec. The OSD menu will pop-up as a overlay

over the existing image on screen. All the available functions you can adjust or

control are now available as an easy understandable menu structure.

The current choice will be marked with a red selection bar.

You can now navigate up or down in the menu with the

physical up/down buttons

(indicated as

+/- symbols on the user control).

To select a function, press the

physical right arrow button. You will now enter the

sub menu of that function or execute it (if its available).

- Display


Power Off


The arrow indicates either a sub-menu or function

is available. It is now required to press the


right button to access the function / sub-menu.


The top header will indicate what the contents of the menu group consists of. In this


“-Picture”. The previous menu will not be visible. To navigate to the

previous menu, press the

physical left arrow button.

The first choice in the sub-menu will be marked with a red bar. Navigate with the

physical up/down buttons (indicated as +/- symbols on the user control).

To select a function, press the

physical right arrow button. You will now enter the

sub menu for that function or execute it (if its available).

- Picture

Example 1

Example 2
Example 3
Example 4


Example of the adjust parameter OSD overlay:

Use the

physical up/down (indicated as +/- on the user control) buttons to adjust

the value. All changes happen in real-time while adjusting these parameters and the

number in the middle of the OSD will also change real-time.

After you are satisfied with the value, press the

physical left arrow button to store

the parameter. Depending on the function, you will now either enter the previous

menu or exit from it completely.

Example 1





Example of the text information OSD overlay:

After you have read the information displayed, press the

physical left arrow

buttons to enter the previous menu and exit the information displayed.

- Source Info

Analog 1








Example of the indicator symbol (white box):

When you have several parameters to choose from, the white box will indicate which

parameter are now currently activated. In this example; The “PIP” function is

configured to be active.

To active any other function, just navigate to it press the

physical right arrow but-

ton. The box will appear next to the text indicating it is activated.

- Source




Example of a non active function (greyed out text):

Please note that certain functions may be disabled by factory default or by means of

customized menu structure/product setup. These functions cannot be accessed or

executed when they appear in gray text color. In this illustration the S-Video inputs

are disabled in the OSD menu as the product does not have any physical S-Video

input connectors.

- Main Source

Analog RGB 1 ►

Analog RGB 2

S-Video 1
S-Video 2


To exit from the OSD menu at any menu level or in any other OSD overlay, just press the

physical MENU button. The menu will

disappear, and the last setting adjusted will be stored. Alternatively you can wait for the OSD to reach time-out and exit automatically

without user interaction. Parameters will be saved.

OSD Menu Overview
