Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 262
MapMarker Dialogs
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
Use the Quick Find Settings dialog to change the criteria used in producing your Quick Find search
Match Modes
You can select one of the match modes to control the geocoding
precision and number of returned candidates. You can also select
Custom (
) to achieve more precise control over
your geocoding results.
Standard Mode
Check this box to implement Standard Mode matching. This
typically provides the best balance among hit rate, performance,
and minimizing extraneous matches. See
Tight Mode
Check this box to implement Tight Mode. This restrictive mode
generates the most precise matching. In general, this returns
fewer non-close matches than are returned in Standard mode.
Relaxed Mode
Check this box to implement Relaxed Mode. This provides less
strict matching rules. In general, this increases your chances of
getting a close match. This is the only mode that does not respect
the street parity when making an address match. See
Check this box to use CASS™ mode in finding addresses.
When this check box is selected, several other options on
this dialog are disabled and their values are overwritten by
CASS rules.
Custom Selections (Exact
Match On)
Use Exact Match selections to fine-tune your control over
geocoding matching preferences. You can specify precise
matching criteria based on house number, street name, city name,
and ZIP Code. If all specified criteria are not met, then the
geocoded candidate is not considered a close match.
House Number
When the House Number box is checked, candidate house
numbers must be exactly matched to return a close match. When
the House Number box is unchecked, MapMarker can make a
close match even if the house number match is not exact.
Street Name
When the Street Name box is checked, candidate street names
must be exactly matched to get a geocoding match. When the
street name box is unchecked, MapMarker will accept similar
street names as a match.
This requires an exact match on all elements of the street name.
Also, blank input values for these elements will not match non-
blank values in the candidate records.