Establish communications, Figure 3: starutil-3000 – NavCom SF-3050 Rev.B User Manual

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SF-3050 User Guide – Rev B


Establish Communications

10. Browse to Navcom\Utilities\StarUtil-3000 on the PC.

11. Ensure that these files are in the StarUtil-3000

folder: “Starutil-3000_v0,0,x.exe” (program
executable file), “navcomx1c45x3050.inf” (USB
driver), 96-312007-3001RevX_Sapphire TRM.pdf,
and 96-310029-3001RevX_StarUtil-3000.pdf.

The USB driver must be in the same
folder as StarUtil-3000 for the USB
port to auto-recognize the SF-3050.

12. Double-click “Starutil-3000_v0,0,x.exe” to open

the program.

Figure 3: StarUtil-3000

13. Click the Connections button to establish

communications between the PC and the
SF-3050 (see Figure 3). The Port Configuration
dialog box opens (see Figure 4).

Connections Button

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