Sound programming, Reverb – SoundTraxx Tsunami Steam Users Guide User Manual

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Tsunami Steam Sound User’s Guide

Page 39


The Reverb effect allows you to add a bit of reverb (not echo!) and presence

to Tsunami’s sound effects. Be forewarned - unless you are a trained audio

technician, adjusting the reverb effects can easily result in some strange

or unpleasant results. We recommend you take your time and experiment


There are eight CVs associated with the Reverb module:

CV 161, Reverb Control Register

CV 162, Reverb Output Level

CV 163, Reverb Delay Time

CV 164, Reverb Feedback Level

CV 169, Mixer Ch 0 Reverb Send Level

CV 170, Mixer Ch 1 Reverb Send Level

CV 171, Mixer Ch 2 Reverb Send Level

CV 172, Mixer Ch 3 Reverb Send Level

Reverb Control Register

CV 161 is the Reverb Control

Register which allows you to

select one of several Reverb

Presets or to choose the User

Adjustable Reverb.

The presets contain

predetermined values for the

Reverb Output Level, Reverb

Delay, Reverb Feedback

Gain level, and Reverb Send

Levels. Table J lists the

available presets and the

corresponding value for

CV 161.

User Adjustable Reverb

The Reverb works by simulating the effect created when a sound wave is

heard along with a delayed version of the sound that has been reflected off of

some other hard surface. Tsunami’s reverb is designed to produce a reverb

effect due to early sound reflections off a nearby surface such as a rock cut

or a canyon wall.

The User Adjustable Reverb provides three controls plus an input mixer

(described in the next section). The Reverb Controls are as follows:

CV 162, Reverb Output Level

This CV determines the amount of reverb signal that is mixed back

with the original audio signal. CV 162 may be set to any value

between 0 (minimum) and 255 (maximum).

Sound Programming


Reverb Disabled

Additional Reverb for Whistle

Light Reverb Added to Exhaust

Medium Reverb Added to Exhaust

Heavy Reverb Added to Exhaust



User Adjustable

CV 161 Value









Table J. Using The Reverb

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