Watson-Marlow SP Series User Manual

Page 15

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Consider the maximum permissible working pressure on the discharge side.
Exceeding the maximum working pressure may lead to serious damage to the pump.

• Make sure that the maximum forces on the flanges are not exceeded. The maximum

permissible loads on the pump flange are given in the table below:

5.3.4 Pulsating


Hose pumps have a pulsating flow that can result in vibrations of pump and lines under the
following circumstances:

• suction and discharge lines are not fixed correctly
• high pump speed in combination with long suction and discharge lines or high specific

gravity of the product

• diameter of suction and/or discharge line too small

In case of unacceptable pulsations, dampeners for suction and/or discharge line can be
supplied for the pump series SP/25 to SP/100. Please consult your Bredel representative for
literature on Inlet Pulsation Accumulators (IPA) or Pulsation Dampeners (PD). These
accumulators and dampeners are not available for SP/10, SP15 and SP/20.

5.3.5 Pumping pressure (counter pressure)

Should not go over maximum allowance (7,5 bar for SP/10, SP/15 and SP/20; 16 bar for
bigger models). If hose failure looks like explosion, check system for blocked lines, closed
valves or failing pressure relief valves.

5.4 Lifting and moving the pump

For lifting and moving the pumphead, it has been fitted with a lifting strip. This lifting strip is
fitted on the rear of the pumphead. For the weights of the pump, see “Specifications”:
“Weights”, § 10.1.5.

The complete hose pump, i.e. pumphead, gearbox and electric motor, must be lifted using
the lifting eyes in the pump support plus additional support on gearbox and motor using
suitably rated straps or slings, see “Specifications”: Weights, § 10.1.5.


F1 [N] SP/10 SP/15 SP/20 SP25 SP/32 SP/40 SP/50 SP/65 SP/80 SP/100


600 600 600 1000 1000 1000 1400 1400 2000 2000


120 120 120 200 200 200 300 300 400 400


300 300 300 500 500 500 700 700 1000 1000

This manual is related to the following products: