General terms – Honeywell GNS-XL User Manual
Page 26

course) to any waypoint and establishing an offset parallel course.
NAVs, COMMs, ADFs and transponders can be tuned through the
system or by using the individual control heads.
A line of information.
CURSOR: Yellow rectangular box placed over a field to enter or
change the information in that field. The cursor is nor-
mally out of view unless brought into view by depressing
the Line Select Keys on either side of the screen. When
information is entered into a field and the ENT Key is
depressed, the cursor will move to the next enterable
field or disappear from the screen when the last field is
entered. Blinking of a field indicates that the computer
has not accepted the entry because of unreasonable or
invalid information.
Information is arranged in sections and subsections
much like chapters in a book. Individual screen displays
are referred to as pages. Each section is selected by
depressing the appropriate Display Selector Key located
at the top of the keyboard. Each subsequent push of the
key will select the next page of that section. A subsec-
tion page is selected by depressing the Line Select Key
next to the topic desired, then depressing the ENT Key.
The PRV or NXT Key can be used to move forward or
backward through pages of a subsection. If the first
page of a subsection is displayed, the BACK Key will
exit the subsection.
WAYPOINT:A navigation point consisting of 1 to 6 alpha, numeric
characters that has a specific latitude and longitude.
Flight Management System
Rev. 0