8 manage users and passwords, About users, Database users – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 103: Display all database users, About users database users

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8 Manage Users and Passwords

About Users

The Neoview platform has several different types of users:

A person or application that can use a Neoview client, such as ODBC, NCI, or HDPM, to log on
to the Neoview database and operate on database objects. A database user can have one or more
database roles (each having a name of the form ROLE.name), which determine the objects to which
the user has access and the privileges the user has in relation to those objects.

There are two types of database user:

database user

A database user whose credentials (name and password) are
maintained and validated on the Neoview platform. Such a user can
log on even if no external directory server is running.

locally authenticated

A database user whose credentials (name and password) are
maintained and validated on an external LDAP or Active Directory
server. Such a user can log on only if the external directory server
is running. Remotely authenticated database users must be registered
on the Neoview platform and assigned Neoview database roles.

remotely authenticated

A person or program that has access to special tools used primarily for Neoview maintenance
and troubleshooting. A platform user has exactly one platform role (with a name of the form
HP.name, SUPER.name, or NEOVIEW.name), which determines the privileges that pertain to the
user. Platform users can also log on to database interfaces, but have little or no access to data. For
example, users in the role SUPER.SERVICES have no access to customer data, and HP.VTS can
be used only by the Virtual Tape Subsystem.

platform user

For more information about users, see the Neoview User Management and Security Administration

Related Topics

“Display All Database Users” (page 103)
“Display All Platform Users” (page 111)
“About Roles” (page 95)


database user
platform user
locally authenticated database user
remotely authenticated database user

Database Users

Display All Database Users

You must be a user in the role of ROLE.MGR or ROLE.SECMGR to display all database users.

To display all database users:


Log on as a user belonging to ROLE.MGR or ROLE.SECMGR.


Select the Security area. For information about how to select an area,

“Select an Area”

(page 35)


About Users

