Main display window, Overview window, Status bar – Triton TritonMap User Manual

Page 29: Zoomed view window, Survey control panel

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June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual

Main Display Window

Area 5 of Figure 4. The largest area of your DelphMap application window,
the Main Display Window contains the large view and detail of your map.
The window can be resized but not moved, docked, or redocked from its
initial position (see ‘Customizing the Work Space’).

Overview Window

Area 6 of Figure 4. Shows a thumbnail of the image layers. The size of this
image remains constant even if you zoom in our out of the image in the
Main Display Window. If you use the trackball to draw a rectangle around
some part of the image in the Overview window, the image in the main
window resizes to the dimensions of the area defined by the drawn
rectangle in the Overview Window. The window is movable and dockable,
but not resizable (see ‘Customizing the Work Space’).

Status Bar

Area 7of Figure 4. This static and fixed part of the bottom of the screen
displays system messages regarding the status of the program, any errors,
etc. This window is immovable and therefore not redockable. However, you
can hide/unhide it by unchecking/ checking the Status window from the
View menu. This component of the window cannot be moved or resized.

Zoomed View Window

Area 8 of Figure 4. This functionality is accessed from the main menu as

Zoomed View window. When activated, the Zoomed View window

displays a user-selectable degree of magnified or minified view of whatever
imagery currently is in the Main Display Window, tracked to the cursor
position when the cross-hair cursor icon (“Turn Cursor On/Off”) is set to On
(as indicated by the indented view of the cursor icon). When you make this
window and the cross-hair cursor icon active, the resulting display makes it
easy to see both the context and the zoomed content of the imagery at the
cursor position.

Survey Control Panel

Area 9 of Figure 4. This part of the application window, known as the Survey
Control Panel, controls DelphNav. DelphNav is an optional, fully functional
navigation package that works with DelphMap. If you purchased DelphNav,

Chapter 1: Getting Started with DelphMap

