3. view drive assignments – NEC Disk Array Controller N8103-89 User Manual

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2-3. View Drive Assignments

If you press [1] on the Main Menu, the [View Drive Assignments] screen shown below
appears. On the screen, you can see the HDD information and the logical drive
configuration status.


To move from a channel to another, use the arrow keys "↑" and "↓." The
information-only screen includes no setting items.


Connection of four HDDs and configuration of two logical drives in RAID1
with two HDDs and a logical drive in RAID0 with a single HDD

FastBuild (tm) Utility (c) xxxx-xxxx Promise Technology, Inc.

Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB) Assignment
1:Mas MAXTOR 6Y080MO 80001
Extent 1 40000 LD 1-1
Extent 2 39933 LD 2-1
2:Mas MAXTOR 6Y080MO 80001
Extent 1 40000 LD 1-2
Extent 2 39933 LD 2-2
3:Mas MAXTOR 6Y080MO 80001
Extent 1 79933 LD 3-1
4:Mas MAXTOR 6Y080MO 80001
Extent 1 79933 Free

[ View Drives Assignments ]


] Up [

] Down [ESC] Exit

[ Keys Available ]


[Channel: ID]

Corresponds to the channel ID of the SATA connector on the card.


[Drive Model]

Indicates the model numbers of HDDs.



Indicates the capacities of HDDs in MB. "Extent 1" and "Extent 2" represent
blocks resulting from dividing each HDD by using the split function. Indicates the
capacity for each of "Extent 1" and "Extent 2." An undivided HDD is specified as
"Extent 1."
