1 garp status, 2 garp timer, 1 garp status 34.4.2 garp timer – ZyXEL Communications GS-3012F Series User Manual

Page 259: Figure 160 garp status command example

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Chapter 34 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands

GS-3012/GS-3012F User’s Guide


34.4.1 GARP Status


show garp

This command shows the switch’s GARP timer settings, including the join, leave and leave all
An example is shown next.

Figure 160 garp status Command Example

34.4.2 GARP Timer


garp join <msec> leave <msec> leaveall <msec>

This command sets the switch’s GARP timer settings, including the join, leave and leave all
Switches join VLANs by making a declaration. A declaration is made by issuing a Join
message using GARP. Declarations are withdrawn by issuing a Leave message. A Leave All
message terminates all registrations. GARP timers set declaration timeout values.
The following example sets the Join Timer to 300 milliseconds, the Leave Timer to 800
milliseconds and the Leave All Timer to 11000 milliseconds.

sysname(config)# garp join 300 leave 800 leaveall 11000

sysname# show garp

GARP Timer
Join Timer :200
Leave Timer :600
Leave All Timer :10000


join <msec>

This sets the duration of the Join Period timer for GVRP
in milliseconds. Each port has a Join Period timer. The
allowed Join Time range is between 100 and 32767
milliseconds; the default is 200 milliseconds.

leave <msec>

This sets the duration of the Leave Period timer for
GVRP in milliseconds. Each port has a single Leave
Period timer. Leave Time must be two times larger than
Join Timer; the default is 600 milliseconds.

leaveall <msec>

This sets the duration of the Leave All Period timer for
GVRP in milliseconds. Each port has a single Leave
All Period timer. Leave All Timer must be larger than
Leave Timer; the default is 10000 milliseconds.
