PASCO Xplorer-GLX Users’ Guide User Manual
Page 148
142 I n d e x
Name of GLX 85
New Page
not() function 52
Note Editor dialog box 27
Notes (data annotation) 25
Notes screen 53
Numeric styles 70
On/Off button 6
One-point offset calibration 73, 77
One-point slope calibration 72, 76
Opening a file 80
or() function 52
Oscilloscope emulation 22
Output Device (audio) 87
Output screen 39
Output-control calculations 50
outputfreq function 52
outputstate function 51
outputswitch function 51
outputvolume function 52
PASPORT sensors 6
Photogate and Pendulum timer 65
Photogate and Picket Fence timer 64
Photogate Timing 66
Power button 6
Power source 6
Printing 91
RAM (random-access memory) 82
random function 51
Recording modes 57
Recording Status icons 11
Reduce/Smooth Averaging 56
Relay control 67
Resetting 96
Restore (from USB storage device) 83
Sample activities 105
Sample rate (audio recording) 87
Sampling modes 57
Sampling rate 56
Saving a file 80, 81
ScienceWorkshop sensors 59, 67
Scientific notation 70, 91
Scope mode 22
Screen contrast 6, 86
Screen mirroring and capture 104
Sensor Auto-Display 86
calibration 71
multiple 55
removing 59
sampling rate 56
ScienceWorkshop 59, 67
set-up 55
Sensors screen 55
Settings screen 85
Set-up options for GLX 6
Shut down 7
automatic 8
manual 7
resuming after 8
Signal output 7, 39, 50
Significant figures 70
Sleep between samples 8
Slope Tool 19
Smart Pulley timer 65
Smart Tool 18
Sound level sensor 58
Speaker Configuration
in Audio Settings dialog box 87
in Output Screen 40
Speaker Volume 87
Speakers 7, 40, 87
Spreadsheet, export data to 32
Start condition 20
Startup Action 86
Sticky Start 8
Stop condition 21
Stopwatch 54
Storage of GLX 94
Swap Cursors 21
Edit menu 30
editing 34
manual data entry 32
scrolling 29, 35
Statistics menu 29
Tables menu 31
Temperature probe 6
Temperature, GLX operating range 97
Text data 33
Text data notes 53
Text input via keypad 90
Time 85, 87
Time data in Table 31
Time of Flight timer 66
Timing screen 62
Top Bar 11
Trigger 20
Two Graphs mode 24
Two Measurements mode 23
Two Runs mode 24
Two-point calibration 72, 75
Update firmware 93
USB flash drive
for file storage 83
for firmware update 93
USB storage device
for file storage 83
for firmware update 93
Zero |Value| 70
Zero Automatically On Start 57
Zoom Tool 21