2 installation considerations, Nstallation, Onsiderations – IEI Integration KINO-DH810 User Manual

Page 58: 2 in s ta lla tio n co n s id e ra tio n s

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P a g e 46

4.2 In s ta lla tio n Co n s id e ra tio n s


The following installation notices and installation considerations should

be read and understood before the KINO-DH810 is installed. All

installation notices pertaining to the installation of the KINO-DH810

should be strictly adhered to. Failing to adhere to these precautions

may lead to severe damage of the KINO-DH810 and injury to the

person installing the motherboard.


The installation instructions described in this manual should be carefully

followed in order to prevent damage to the KINO-DH810, KINO-DH810

components and injury to the user.

Before and during the installation please DO the following:

 Read the user manual:


The user manual provides a complete description of the KINO-DH810

installation instructions and configuration options.

 Wear an electrostatic discharge cuff (ESD):


Electronic components are easily damaged by ESD. Wearing an ESD cuff

removes ESD from the body and helps prevent ESD damage.

 Place the KINO-DH810 on an antistatic pad:


When installing or configuring the motherboard, place it on an antistatic

pad. This helps to prevent potential ESD damage.

 Turn all power to the KINO-DH810 off:


When working with the KINO-DH810, make sure that it is disconnected

from all power supplies and that no electricity is being fed into the system.
