Computer supervised systems, Computer problems, Computer software – Watlow 8LS Controller User Manual

Page 94: User written software

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86 8LS User’s Guide


Computer Supervised Systems

These four items must work together to operate the 8LS:

1. The 8LS

2. The computer including the RS-232 or other serial interface

3. The communications link

4. The computer software

If the system does not work on initial startup, check the 8LS, the
computer, and the serial link. First, check the 8LS in the stand alone
mode. If there’s a problem, return the 8LS to Watlow-Anafaze for
service. The serial link must be RS485 when using more than one 8LS.

If ANASOFT is running in the system, when a unit is replaced,
ANASOFT will detect a controller reset [indicated on initial power up]
and automatically reload the current parameters in ANASOFT.

If the system includes multiple Watlow-Anafaze 8LS controllers, the
address must be set correctly. This should be done using a spare housing
before plugging the unit into the system housing. If the address is not
changed the unit will probably have the default address 1. If the address
must be changed while the system is up and on line, ANASOFT will
indicate communication errors as it will probably get responses from
two controllers at once. The address should be set as quickly as possible,
and the current job reloaded to ensure the correct parameters are at each

Computer Problems

To check the computer, run standard programs that use the display and
the printer. The serial interface must be functioning. This is harder to
test since most programs do not use the serial interface. Check any
computer problems with the computer supplier.

Computer Software

This can be divided into: ANASOFT and user written software:

User Written Software

If you don't want to use ANASOFT as your software interface to the
8LS, you are responsible for the correct operation of the software you
buy or write. You can request the Watlow-Anafaze Communications
if you want to write your own software. Watlow-Anafaze
will answer any technical questions that arise during your software
development process, but Watlow-Anafaze does not otherwise support
user software in any way.
