Banner pages and netware, Installed type 1 fonts and adobe type manager, Installing type 1 fonts – Apple ColorLaserWriter 12/600PS User Manual

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Banner pages and NetWare

The Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS is a PostScript printer only. If you are using
NetWare 4.x, use PostScript banner pages only. If you use another type of
banner page, the banner will not print.

Do not use banner pages at all with NetWare 3.x. If you do, the banner will
not print.

Installed Type 1 fonts and Adobe Type Manager

Among the files installed during an Express Installation (or a Fonts Custom
Install) are the Type 1 font outline (.PFB) files and the Type 1 font metrics
(.PFM) files corresponding to the fonts resident in the printer’s ROM. Also
installed (in the Main program group) is Adobe Type Manager (ATM) and,
within it, the fonts resident in the printer.

You can use the ATM control panel to:

m install and remove additional Type 1 fonts
m change the size of the ATM font cache
m turn ATM off and on

Installing Type 1 fonts

To add Type 1 fonts to your system:


Double-click the ATM icon (in the Main program group) to open the ATM control panel.


Choose Add to display the Add ATM Fonts dialog box.


If you are installing fonts from a floppy disk, insert the disk containing the fonts.


In the Directories list box, double-click the drive or directory containing the fonts. The

font names appear in the Available Fonts list.


In the Target Directory box for PostScript outline fonts, accept the default directory,


, or type the name of the directory into which you want to

copy the font files. Any directory name you type will appear in the box labeled “Target

Directory for Font Metrics Files.”


Select the fonts you want to add and click Add. Click Exit when you are done.


Setting Up the Printer for Windows and NetWare Users
