Apple Aperture User Manual

Page 454

background image



aperture priority 433
aperture settings

aperture, defined 433
in metadata 228

Apple Display Connector (ADC) ports 418

keywords 213, 223
master page designs 361

Archive button 236, 237
archiving images. See backing up images
Arrangement button 420
Arrange Sets command 237, 240
arranging items. See rearranging images
aspect ratios 140, 262, 263, 385, 434
assigning keywords 207, 213, 217, 222, 223
attaching images to email 306
auto-bracketed images 109, 434
Auto Exposure button 61
Auto Exposure Reset button 61
Autoflow Selected Images command 374
Autoflow Unplaced Images command 374
auto focus 434
Auto Levels Combined button 62
Auto Levels Reset button 62
Auto Levels Separate button 62
automatic bracketing 109, 434
automatic image placement 373
automatic page creation 376
automatic stack creation 177
Auto-Stack command 178
Auto-Stack Selected Images HUD 178
Auto-Stack slider 109, 177
Avoid command 168


B (Bulb) setting 435

in book pages 382
in Browser 125
in images 434
in slideshows 316
in Viewer 148

backing up images

after import 114
archives, defined 433
creating vaults 404
functions and controls 403
overview 37, 400
planning systems for 401
reconnecting hard disks 406
restoring files 400
restoring Library 409
storage space 402, 403
updating vaults 405
in vaults 37, 53, 78, 404

working with multiple computers 407

backing up in slideshows 315
backlighting 434
back-to-back printing 371
Badge referenced images checkbox 136

displaying 228, 244
Light Table display 331
types of 243

Basic workspace layout 64
Batch Change dialog 241
batch changes to metadata 241
Bayer pattern color filter array 434
bit depth 278, 434
black-and-white images 387
black point compensation 280, 434
Black Point Compensation setting 280, 302, 308
black Vault Status buttons 403
blank screens, setting 157
bleeds 282
Book Action pop-up menu 55, 367, 374
book albums

copying 396
creating 365
saving search results as 265

Book Layout Editor

displaying 358
functions and controls 54, 366–368
master page views 393
overview 36
printing books 283
selecting themes 369
switching to Viewer 373


adding images 362, 365, 372, 373
adding or removing pages 367, 374, 376, 382
badge overlays 243
book albums 265, 365
copying albums 396
covers 368, 380
creating 36, 365
creating automatically 361
displaying pages 370
editing text and layout 366
flowing unplaced images into 374
indexes 367, 378
layout controls 55
metadata boxes 389
metadata in 361, 367
navigating through pages 370
numbering pages 382
number of pages in 363
ordering 363, 368, 397
overview 358
photo boxes 367, 383
