Apple Aperture User Manual
Page 68
Image display
Select the “Show Loading indicator while full size images load”
checkbox to have Aperture display an initial proxy image if there is
any delay when loading a full-size image.
Select the “Show tooltips on controls” checkbox to have Aperture
display the names of interface items when you place your pointer
over them.
Select the “Use proportional spacing for images in Grid View”
checkbox to change the spacing of images in the Browser.
Select the “Add gaps between Sort Groups” checkbox to add space
between groups when sorting by a particular category. For example,
when sorting images by rating, you can have Aperture add a gap
between the last five-star image and the first four-star image.
Select the “Show number of versions for projects and albums”
checkbox to have Aperture display the number of versions in a
project or album in the Projects panel.
Select the “Badge referenced images” checkbox to display badges
that identify referenced images.
Grid View Background
Brightness slider
Adjust the Browser background brightness using this slider.
Viewer Background
Brightness slider
Adjust the Viewer background brightness using this slider.
Hot Area Display
Threshold slider
You can view an image’s hot areas (where exposure goes beyond
the current screen or print gamut) by choosing View > Highlight
Hot Areas. To adjust the threshold used to determine an image’s
hot areas, drag the slider.
Aperture options
Select the “Create new versions when making adjustments”
checkbox to have Aperture automatically create a new version
when you adjust a selected image.
Select the “Show warning when deleting masters” checkbox to
have Aperture display an alert message when you delete master
image files.
“When a camera is
pop-up menu
Choose an application to open when a camera is connected to
your computer.
Library Location field
Displays the default location of the Library. To specify a custom
location for the Aperture Library, click Choose and navigate to a
location to store the Library. Reopen Aperture to complete the
location change.
Search Scope
pop-up menu
Use this pop-up menu to set your preferences for how Aperture
searches. You can have Aperture search for your entered text
throughout all the metadata associated with your images, or
perform a limited text search that doesn’t search through your
images’ EXIF information.