Recipeplus button, Recipeplus button -3 – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Machine Edition Users Guide User Manual
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Set up RecipePlus
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RecipePlus button
Use the RecipePlus button to perform actions on the selected recipe’s ingredients. The
recipe is selected using the RecipePlus selector object. Set up a separate RecipePlus
button for each action you want to perform:
Download—write the data set values to tags, for all the ingredients in the selected
Upload—write tag values to the data set, for all the ingredients in the selected recipe.
If all values are uploaded successfully, the recipe file is saved.
Upload and Create—write tag values for all the ingredients in the selected recipe to a
new data set, creating a new unit. The operator is prompted for a name for the new
unit. If all values are uploaded successfully, the recipe file is saved.
The new data set is named Data Set n, where n is the next available number (starting
at 1) that will create a unique data set name.
Restore—show the selected recipe in the RecipePlus table.
Save—save the data set values for the recipe file and unit shown in the RecipePlus
table. If the operator made changes in the data set values using the string pop-up
keyboard or numeric pop-up keypad, the new values in the table overwrite existing
data set values (if any) for the unit in the recipe file.
Delete—delete the recipe unit selected in the RecipePlus selector object.
Rename—rename the recipe unit selected in the RecipePlus selector object.
The illustration below shows a graphic library display that contains a RecipePlus selector,
RecipePlus buttons, and a RecipePlus table. The display also contains key buttons for
working with the selector and table, a bar graph that shows the percentage complete of the
recipe operation, and a string display that shows the status of the recipe operation.