Urouteshow – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 1107

Fabric OS Command Reference
Displays unicast routing information.
urouteshow [slot/][port] [domain]
Use this command to display the unicast routing information for a port, as it is known by the FSPF path
selection and routing task. The routing information describes how a frame that is received from a port on
the local switch is to be routed to reach a destination switch.
The following information displays:
Local Domain ID
Domain number of local switch.
In Port
Port from which a frame is received. Except for the cases in which you perform a
port swap or enable extended-edge PID (PID Format 2) on a switch, the value is
equal to the port index field displayed by the switchShow command. Refer to
Fabric OS Administrator's Guide for more information regarding the extended
edge PID format.
Destination domain of incoming frame.
Out Port
Port to which the incoming frame is to be forwarded. Except for the cases in which
you perform a port swap or enable extended edge PID (PID Format 2) on a
switch, the value is equal to the port index field displayed by the switchShow
command. For port swap operations, the value is equal to the switch port field
displayed by the portSwapShow command. Refer to Fabric OS Administrator's
Guide for more information regarding the extended-edge PID format.
Cost of reaching the destination domain.
Maximum number of hops required to reach the destination domain. If the number
of hops are different for some multiple equal cost paths (to reach the same
domain), then it displays the maximum number.
Indicates rout type as either dynamic (D) or static (S). A dynamic route is
discovered automatically by the FSPF path selection protocol. A static route is
assigned using the command uRouteConfig.
Next (Dom, Port)
Domain and port number of the next hop. These are the domain number and the
port number of the switch to which Out Port is connected.
The information provided by this command should match what is provided by portRouteShow and