Echelon LonMaker User Manual
Lonmaker, User’s guide, Use r’s g u id e
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Introduction to the LonMaker Tool
- What’s New for LonMaker Turbo Editions
- LonMaker Design Manager
- LonMaker Shape Tooltips
- Application Devices and Routers
- Simplified Wizards
- Automatic Channel Selection
- Channel Reassignment with the Connector Tool
- Simplified Shape Menus
- Firmware Upgrade
- Device-Specific Configuration Property Support
- Passive Configuration Mode
- Enhanced Subsystem Recovery
- Active Device Template and Resource File Updates
- Accelerated Device Interface Verification
- Functional Blocks
- Connections
- Monitoring—Data Point Shape
- Network Explorer
- Multi-User Modification
- Resource Usage Reports
- Application Integration and XML Export/Import
- LNS Network Database
- Visio 2003 Integration
- Windows Compatibility
- Professional, Standard, and Trial Editions
- LonMaker Network Designs
- LonWorks Basics
- Visio Basics
- Chapter 2: Installing and Activating the LonMaker Tool
- Chapter 3: Getting Started
- Design Overview
- LonMaker Design Manager Overview
- Setting Up a Network Interface
- Creating and Opening a LonMaker Network
- LonMaker Client Types
- Using the LonMaker Tool on a Remote Client
- Using Network Service Device Shapes
- User Profiles
- Chapter 4: Designing Networks
- Creating a LonWorks Network
- Creating a LonMaker Drawing
- Creating Application Devices
- Creating Functional Blocks
- Creating Network Variables
- Creating a Router
- Creating a Channel
- Creating a Subsystem
- Creating Connections
- Viewing and Navigating LonMaker Network Design
- Working with LonMaker Layers
- Working with LonMaker Shapes
- Customizing the User Interface Overview
- Using AutoCAD Drawings
- Chapter 5: Installing Networks
- Chapter 6: Monitoring and Controlling Networks
- Monitoring and Controlling Overview
- Using Monitored Connections
- Using the LonMaker Browser
- Starting the LonMaker Browser
- The LonMaker Browser Toolbar
- Customizing the Browser:
- Monitoring Network Variables
- Using Bound Updates
- Binding Network Variables to the Host
- Updating Network Variable and Configuration Property Values
- Changing a Network Variable or Configuration Property Type
- Changing a Network Variable or Configuration Property Format
- Displaying Error Messages
- Managing Functional Blocks
- Using Data Point Shapes
- Chapter 7: Maintaining Networks
- Maintaining Networks Overview
- Loading Devices
- Replacing Devices
- Decommissioning Devices
- Resynchronizing Configuration Properties
- Using the LonMaker Tool as a Passive Configuration Tool
- Backing up a LonMaker Network Design
- Recovering a LonMaker Network
- Resynchronizing a LonMaker Network
- Merging LonMaker Networks
- Chapter 8: Managing Networks
- Chapter 9: Exporting and Importing Networks with XML
- Chapter 10: LonMaker Credits
- Chapter 11: Using LNS Plug-ins
- Chapter 12: Creating and Using Custom LonMaker Shapes and Stencils
- LonMaker Stencils
- Creating a Custom LonMaker Stencil
- Creating Custom LonMaker Master Shapes
- Using Custom LonMaker Master Shapes
- Editing Master Shape User Defined Cells
- Setting User Functional Block Scopes and Types
- Adding a Bitmap to a Device Master Shape
- Viewing and Editing VBA Code Associated with a LonMaker Netw
- Appendix A: Setting LonMaker Default Options
- Backup/Restore Options
- Configuration Properties Options
- Device Options
- Functional Block Options
- General Options
- LNS Event Options
- LonMaker Font Options
- Naming Options
- Network Explorer Options
- NV Browser/Monitoring Options
- Recovery Options
- Service Pin Options
- Shape ToolTips Options
- Synchronization Options
- Warnings Options
- Appendix B: Installing the PCLTA-10 Network Interface
- Installing and Configuring the PCLTA-20 Network Interface
- Installing and Configuring the PCC-10 Network Interface
- Appendix C: LonMaker QuickStart Exercise
- Appendix D - LonMaker Credits Order Form
- Appendix F - Software License Transfer Agreement
- Appendix G - Glossary
- Index