Licensing with the lonmaker tool, Defragmenting the lonmaker disk, Using lonmaker credits – Echelon LonMaker User Manual
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LonMaker Credits
Licensing with the LonMaker Tool
Your licensed copy of the LonMaker software includes 64 (for LonMaker Professional Edition) or 5
(for LonMaker Standard Edition) free LonMaker credits. A LonMaker credit is a token representing a
prepaid fee to commission a device. You can use LonMaker credits to commission devices in one
network or in multiple networks. LonMaker credits are associated with the LonMaker application and
the computer running it and are stored in a file called the LonMaker license file. The LonMaker tool
keeps track of the number of credits you have available. You can use the LonMaker tool to
commission devices even if you have a credit deficit, but only for two weeks. See Using Deficit
Credits for more information.
Defragmenting the LonMaker Disk
You can defragment the disk where you installed the LonMaker software as long as you do not move
the LonMaker license files.
Note: Certain after-market disk defragmenters such as Symantec's Norton Utilities Speed Disk or
Executive Software's Diskeeper can break the LonMaker license if the disk defragmentation software
is not configured properly. Other disk utilities that bypass the operating system's file system can also
break the license.
The disk defragmenters built into Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000 do not
break the license.
Prior to defragmenting your disk using an after-market disk defragmenter, configure it not to move
files with .ent, .key, or .rst extensions. How you do this is based on the after-market disk defragmenter
you are using. For example, if you are using the Norton Speed Disk utility on the LonMaker
computer, you must set the following option or you will lose your LonMaker license file: Start Speed
Disk, open the File menu, click Options > Customize > Unmovable Files command, and specify *.ent,
*.key, and *.rst. Then open the File menu and select the Options > Optimization > Save command to
save the change.
If the after-market disk defragmentation program that you are using is not configurable, either use the
disk defragmentation built into Windows, or use after-market disk defragmentation software that is
Using LonMaker Credits
You can purchase LonMaker credits to commission more devices after you have used up the
LonMaker credits included with your LonMaker tool. Each time you commission a device with the
LonMaker tool while it is attached to the network and OnNet, one LonMaker credit is deducted.
LonMaker credits are not deducted when you commission routers, network service devices, or an LNS
Server device. Credits are also not deducted when you replace devices that have already been
commissioned by the LonMaker tool, or when you recommission devices that are already in the
database—even if you change the application image or program IDs in the devices.
LonMaker credits are not used while you design a network under the engineered system installation
scenario. Although you can commission a device by manually entering its Neuron ID in engineered
mode, a LonMaker credit is not deducted until you recommission the device with the LonMaker
computer attached to the network.
LonMaker credits will be returned if you delete a commissioned device with the LonMaker tool. The
maximum number of credits that can be returned is the number of devices you have commissioned or
32,767, whichever is less.