Amoco fuel products (load product), Amoco prices (load price) – Gasboy Amoco User Manual

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Amoco/DataCard 001

Credit & Debit Card Networks

Gasboy CFN Series

Amoco Fuel Products (LOAD PRODUCT)

The Amoco fuel products must be set-up as follows:

Make sure that product codes match the existing club card base. If products 1-14 were used

for merchandise these MUST be moved to another number.

Amoco Prices (Load Price)

Prices for level 0 and 2 must be loaded at the DataCard unit and level 1 for cash (if Console I-fuel
only is allowed). All price levels of 4 and higher must be loaded on the Site Controller.

With a working DataCard system (loaded with prices) connected to the SCII, run the command:

LOad PRice;I

to remove all price codes and levels. All pumps will be disabled with no prices. Then execute the


to match the price codes of 1-14 with levels 0 and 2 on the SCII. This will also load Headings,
Messages, and Cutoffs (normally $35).

NOTE: Do not, under any circumstances, change pump cutoffs using the Load Cutoff
command. The next download from Amoco will reset the cutoffs to the Amoco limit. Higher
cutoffs MUST be obtained by calling Amoco Help Desk.

Use the command:

ENable PUmp;I

to bring the pumps back on-line if they do not enable automatically when the prices become non-

N. Sec Message

Pr Cat Name Inventory Reorder Low price High price Price Taxes
1 1 Ultimate F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
2 1 Ultimate S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
3 1 Midgrade F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
4 1 Midgrade S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
5 1 Blue F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
6 1 Blue S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
7 1 Ethanol F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
8 1 Ethanol S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
9 1 Other F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
10 1 Other S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
11 1 Diesel-1 F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
12 1 Diesel-1 S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
13 1 Diesel-2 F 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None
14 1 Diesel-2 S 0.000 0 --- No override --- 0.00 None

This manual is related to the following products: