Common area indicators and controls, Dynamics controls, Gate/expander – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 50: Compressor, Compressor insert point, Dynamics meter

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7 – Module operations—Common area indicators and controls


TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual

Common area indicators and controls

In addition to the parameters visible above, the com-
mon area also provides a way of viewing the current
I/O assignment, together with a graphical view of the
current EQ settings, as well as the current dynamics
processor (with meter) and meter facilities.


Some of these parameters can be viewed and set glo-
bally for the whole console. See “Setting up the I/O” on
page 36.

The on-screen controls available in the common area

Dynamics controls

The exact controls and display vary, depending on
what channel has been selected (see “Dynamics pro-
cessors” on page 63
for full details of the availability
of dynamics processors for the different modules of
the DM-24):


An on-screen button allows the

gate/expander to be switched, with a gain reduction
meter displayed.


An on-screen button allows the com-

pressor to be turned on and off (


key), with a

dynamics graph. The gain reduction meter also
applies to the compressor.

The appearance of this button changes, depending on
what link option has been selected (see “LINK L-
>R” on page 64

Compressor insert point

The compressor can

be inserted either pre- or post-EQ (channels). The
master insert is pre-fader.

Simply press the


key when





is highlighted, to toggle between the two positions

(the dial key acts as a cursor here).

Dynamics meter

This meter shows the post-com-

pressor effect of the dynamics processor assigned to
the module.

A graphical display of the settings is also provided
(with attack, knee point, compression ratio, hystere-
sis, etc. displayed).

Gate switch

Compressor switch

Compressor insert point

Pan controls

Digital trim

Grouping indicators

Dynamics meter

Stereo meter

Metering point

EQ and buss status

Phase control

Assignable insert control

Fader and level

Input selector

EQ graph

Link setting

Shown as

Link off

Left channel acts as trigger

Right channel acts as trigger

Both channels act as triggers

Link setting

Shown as
