The scriptedit menus and toolbars – Grass Valley SCRIPT Viewer News Rev.A User Manual

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The SCRIPTedit Menus and Toolbars

Edit Menu and Toolbar Icons

Use the following shortcuts to help edit a Script. Select any of the following options from the
Edit menu:

Undo: Reverses the last action.

Cut: Cuts the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.

Copy: Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

Paste: Pastes the last Cut or Copied text at the cursor’s insertion point.

Clear: Clears the selected text.

Select all: Selects the entire Script.

Find: Use the Find function to search for specific words or characters.

Find Next: Use the Find Next function to search for the next appearance of a selected
word or character.

Replace: Use the Replace function to search and replace words or characters.

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