Programmable inputs, Programmable outputs, Dm out – Lectrosonics DM84 User Manual

Page 8: Destination, Dm out to balanced input (3-wire) shield

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DM84 Installation Guide



When the DM84 output is connected to a balanced

input, wire it as shown here.

DM Out






DM Out to Balanced Input



Programmable Inputs

Programmable inputs are provided to enable external

control over a variety of parameters. Each input can

respond to either a contact closure or a continuous volt-

age. The following illustrates common connections to

the programmable input pins. (See also


Inputs and Outputs Wiring Diagram.)
No external pull-up resistors are necessary because

each programmable input is internally pulled up through

a 100K resistor to +5V. When using a continuous volt-

age with one of the programmable inputs, the function

of the programmable input must be set to either


In Control or Analog Out Control on the Programma-

ble Inputs control tab in the Control Panel GUI. See the

Programmable Input tab in the Control Panel software

Help for setting all programmable input parameters.

10K Linear Potentiometer




To Programmable Input Pin


Contact Closure as Programmable Input

To Programmable Input Pin


DC Voltage Source as Programmable Input

To Programmable Input Pin

0VDC (Off) to +5VDC (On)


Potentiometer Connection for

Analog Control of Gain

Programmable Outputs

Programmable outputs are used to indicate channel

activity or the current state of a programmable input or

some other feature of the DM84. Each programmable

output is the electrical equivalent of a contact closure to

ground. When a programmable output is “active”, it con-

ducts current to ground. When the programmable output

is “inactive”, no current flows to ground. The maximum

usable voltage for the programmable outputs is 40 V

and they will safely conduct up to 100 mA DC continu-

ous. Following are some typical uses for the program-

mable outputs.

Note: The diagram shows an external DC

source powering the relay coil. This is necessary

whenever coil voltages exceed 5 V.

Both LEDs and 5V relay coils can be powered by the

+5 V DC pins on the programmable input connector, as

long as the maximum combined current for all LEDS

and relay coils does not exceed 100 mA.

Programmable Inputs and Outputs

Wiring Diagram Example

LED is on when the programmable output is active

380 Ohms

Programmable Output Pin

380 Ohms

LED is off when the programmable output is active

Programmable Output Pin

Gnd (from Programmable I/O
Pins 1, 8, 13)

or equiv.

DC Voltage

Relay Coil

Coil current <100mA

Programmable Output Pin

Gnd (from Programmable I/O
Pins 1, 8, 13)

Relay is on when the programmable output is active

+5VDC (from Programmable I/O
Pins 14, 20, 25)

+5VDC (from Programmable I/O
Pins 14, 20, 25)

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