Guralp Systems CD1.1 User Manual

Page 46

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CD1.1 Tools for Platinum

Select “Directory cleaner” and then “Setup cleaning in new

The resulting form allows you to configure all options of the
directory cleaning task. Each cleaner handles a single
directory so it is necessary to create multiple cleaner instances
for all but the simplest applications.

The directory cleaner configuration screen looks like this:

Enter the full path to the database directory (e.g.
/var/lib/data-mux-cd11.0 or /media/flash_module/data-
mux-cd11.0) into the Directory field.

It is possible to limit the files either by size or by number (or by

To ensure at least 14 complete days of back-fill, enter
“15” into the Maximum number of files field.

To ensure used space is kept to 200MiB or just above,
enter “200” into the Maximum used space field.

Scanning occurs once an hour and, if there are more files or
space used than the configured maximum, some will be
removed. Using Lexical file sorting ensures the oldest data will


Issue C
