Applying a configuration stored on the speedtouch, Chapter 4 – Technicolor - Thomson Wireless Business DSL Routers SpeedTouchTM620 User Manual

Page 42

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Chapter 4

SpeedTouch™ Configuration Management

E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0155 v1.0


Applying a configuration

stored on the


To activate a configuration file, stored on the SpeedTouch™ ‘/dl’ subdirectory, the
CLI command

:config load

is used.

Following CLI commands are available in the config load CLI command group:

Following parameters are available:

load_ip = <{no|yes}>

Allows you to define whether the current IP configuration should be preserved
(no), or the IP configuration as defined in the loaded configuration file should
be applied (yes). If not specified, load_ip=no.

defaults = <{no|yes}>

Allows you to reset the SpeedTouch™ to its default configuration (yes). If not
specified, defaults=no. To restore a configuration file, do not use this

flush = <{yes|no}>

Allows you to define whether the SpeedTouch™ should flush its current
configuration before loading the new one (yes). By default, and if not specified
flush = yes, the new loaded configuration is exclusively applied to the
SpeedTouch™. If you specify flush = no, the new loaded configuration is
appended to the existing current configuration. The latter may result in an
unexpected behaviour of the SpeedTouch™.

echo = <{no|yes}>

Allows you to specify whether to echo each command string loaded from the
new configuration file (yes) or not (no). If not specified, echo=no.

filename = <string>

Allows you to specify the name of the configuration file to load, in case it is
different from user.ini. If not specified, the SpeedTouch™ will assume the file
name to be user.ini. It is also possible to load a script file (.sts) with the config
load command.

=>:help config load

Load saved or default configuration.

Syntax : load [load_ip = <{disabled|enabled}>]

[defaults <{disabled|enabled}>] [flush = <{enabled|disabl


[echo = <{disabled|enabled}>] [filename = <string>]

Parameters :

[load_ip = <{disabled|enabled}>]

Load IP settings or not.

[defaults <{disabled|enabled}>]

Load default instead of saved configuration.

[flush = <{enabled|disabled}>]

Flush current configuration before loading new one.

[echo = <{disabled|enabled}>]

Echo each command string when loaded.

[filename = <string>]

Configuration filename.

When loading a config file, the file is loaded to memory. However, to
make the configuration persistent you need to click saveall to save the
