Setting the time via cli, Sntp via the cli, Chapter 6 – Technicolor - Thomson Wireless Business DSL Routers SpeedTouchTM620 User Manual

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Chapter 6

SpeedTouch™ System Services

E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0155 v1.0


Setting the time via CLI


:system rtc settime

CLI command allows you to overview the current

real-time clock settings and to configure them:

You can also use this CLI command to manually set the SpeedTouch™ internal real-
time clock:

SNTP via the CLI

The SpeedTouch™ SNTP client is configured via the


CLI command group:

You can use the following commands:

:sntp list

List the configured NTP servers.

:sntp add and :sntp delete

Add or delete NTP servers.

:sntp config

Enable/disable the SpeedTouch™ SNTP client and set the polling interval.

=>:system rtc settime

date = 04/07/2003

time = 10:34:55

timezone = +01:00

daylightsaving = off


=>:help system rtc settime

Set/Get date, time, timezone, daylight savings time

Syntax : settime [date = <dd/mm/yyyy>] [time = <hh:mm:ss>]

[timezone = <(+ or -)hh:mm>]

[daylightsaving = <{disabled|enabled}>]

Parameters :

[date = <dd/mm/yyyy>]

Set the system date

[time = <hh:mm:ss>]

Set the system time

[timezone = <(+ or -)hh:mm>]

Set the system timezone(-12:00...+14:00 / 15 minute resolution)

[daylightsaving = <{disabled|enabled}>]

Enable/Disable daylight saving

=>:sntp help

Following commands are available :


: Add NTP server


: List the NTP servers


: Delete NTP server from list


: Flush NTP server list and SNTP client configuration


: Modify/Display configuration
