Viewing collectors for backup servers, Scheduling backup collection for backup managers – HP Storage Essentials NAS Manager Software User Manual

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Configuring the Management Server


Viewing Collectors for Backup Servers

The management server uses collectors to gather information for Backup Manager. Backup

Manager provides information about backup protection, such as whether last night’s backup was

To manage collectors for Backup Manager:


Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Home > Configuration > Backup.


Verify the Collection tab is displayed.

The following is displayed on the Collection tab.

Next Scheduled Run

- The next time the management server is scheduled to obtain image

details from the backup server.


- How often the management server is scheduled to obtain image details. The default is

1,440 minutes (24 hours).


- A check mark means the collector is running.


- Lets you modify the collection details


- Do one of the following:

• Click the Start button to start the collector.
• Click the Stop button to stop the collector.

Scheduling Backup Collection for Backup Managers

You can configure the management server to obtain information about your master backup servers

at a set interval.
Keep in mind the following:

Make sure these collectors run at least daily so the latest backup information is displayed in

Backup Manager.

All collectors are stopped during Discovery Data Collection/Get Details. This means that during

Discovery Data Collection/Get Details data, such as for Backup Manager, is not updated.

The process of Discovery Data Collection/Get Details takes time. It is recommended you

perform this procedure when the network is not busy.

It is not possible to run data collectors on quarantined elements. Attempting to run data

collectors on quarantined elements will result in exceptions in the appiq.log file.

To obtain image details for a backup server:


Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Home > Configuration > Backup.


Verify the Collection tab is displayed.


Select the management servers you want to obtain image details.


Click the Start button under the Action column.


Click the calendar icon,

