Opening the object parameter box, Getting to know common object parameters – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

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Chord Memorizer Objects

(p. 1121)

Physical Input Objects

(p. 1124)

Sequencer Input Objects

(p. 1125)

MIDI Click Objects

(p. 1126)

Internal Objects

(p. 1128)

Channel Strip Objects

(p. 1130)

Opening the Object Parameter Box

There are several ways to open the Object Parameter box in the Environment.

To open or close the Object Parameter box
Do one of the following:


Click the triangle at the top-left corner of the Object Parameter box to hide all parameters,
except for the object name and type. This reduces the box to its minimum vertical size.


Choose View > Inspector (or use the Hide/Show Inspector key command, default
assignment: I).

Getting to Know Common Object Parameters

Each Environment object has several parameters that control its operation. These
parameters can be viewed and changed in the Object Parameter box, shown in the
Environment window Inspector when an object is selected.

The Object Parameter box also appears in the Arrange window Inspector when you select
a track assigned to the object. These are the same parameters—changes in one location
are reflected in the other. There is one type of object, however, that differs slightly in this
regard: the audio channel strip.


Chapter 37

Environment Objects Reference
