Understanding channel strip controls in the mixer – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 752

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Master channel strip: A global level control for all output channel strips. The master

channel strip changes the gain of all output channel strips without affecting the level
relationships between them. This is very helpful as a proportional output volume control.

MIDI channel strips: Control external MIDI tracks. MIDI data on these tracks is routed to

a MIDI output port and channel, for control of MIDI sound modules and keyboards. For
details, see

Working with MIDI Channel Strips in the Mixer


Note: Additional channel strip types, such as bus and input channel strips, can be created
and used. However, their inclusion is primarily for compatibility with projects created in
earlier versions of Logic Express.

Understanding Channel Strip Controls in the Mixer

The controls displayed on a channel strip vary according to the channel strip type:

Channel Strip Settings

Channel EQ

Input slot

Volume fader

Send level knob

Group slot
Peak level display

Level meter

Solo button

Record Enable button
Input Monitoring button
(Input) Format button

Automation Mode menu

Mute button

Bounce button

Output slot

Pan/Balance knob

Insert slots

Send slots

Channel Strip Settings menu: Allows you to load and save the entire routing configuration

of a single channel strip, including all loaded plug-ins and settings. For details, see

Working with Channel Strip Configurations


Channel EQ: Allows you to add an EQ effect to sculpt the sound of the channel strip

signal before applying other effects. You double-click the EQ area to insert the
Channel EQ in the first Insert slot.


Chapter 27

