Adjusting project settings, Handling project assets – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 176

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Click the Dim Master Volume button to the left of the Master Volume slider, or the Dim
button in the Master channel strip, to turn on Dim Volume mode. This sets the playback
volume to the Dim value set in the Logic Express > Preferences > Audio > General pane.

Click the button again to deactivate Dim Volume mode, and set the playback volume to
the current Master Volume slider, or Master channel strip, value.

Adjusting Project Settings

The project settings encompass a number of options that can have a dramatic impact
on the behavior of Logic Express. Project settings are saved independently with each
project, which means that different projects can have different project settings. You can
change project settings at any time, but it is generally best if you start off with the required
settings, as this will make your workflow smoother.

To open the project settings
Do one of the following:


Choose an item from the File > Project > Settings (Synchronization, MIDI, Score, and so
on) menu (or use the corresponding key command).


Click the Settings button in the Arrange toolbar, then choose a menu item.

Detailed information on all project settings can be found in

Project Settings in

Logic Express


Handling Project Assets

The project settings also include an Assets pane. If you saved your project with its assets,
you can use this pane to determine how files imported from external locations (locations
outside the project folder) should be handled.

To open the Assets project settings
Do one of the following:


Choose File > Project Settings > Assets (or use the Open Assets Project Settings key


Chapter 7

Working with Projects
