Enhancing the display of events – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 703

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As a practical example of where these facilities could be used: Imagine a lead synthesizer
solo that spans eight bars. You went crazy with the pitch bend while recording, but have
found that every pitch bend event with a value of 55 sounds out of tune with the pad
sound on another track. Filter the view so that only pitch bend events are visible, select
one of the events with a value of 55, and choose Edit > Select Equal Regions (or use the
Select Equal Regions/Events key command, default assignment: Shift-E). All pitch bend
events with a value of 55 are selected, allowing you to simultaneously change their values,
or delete them.


All selection and editing functions performed in the Event List only affect the

displayed events, which protects any invisible events from changes you may make.

To filter the event view


Click the Filter button to turn on Filter mode.


Click the the event type buttons you want to filter by (Notes, Pitch Bend, and so on).

Events that match the active buttons disappear from the list display.

Enhancing the Display of Events

The Event List display is normally restricted to one line per event. When the Additional
Info button is on, however, all information stored along with the event is also shown.


Chapter 25

Editing MIDI Events in the Event List
