Activation checkbox, Menus, Pop-up menu – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 130: 130 activation checkbox 130 menus 130
Chapter 5
User interface controls
Activation checkbox
A parameter that must be on or off uses a checkbox control. For example, the All Caps and Align
to Path settings for text objects are controlled with checkboxes.
Unlike parameters with sliders and dials, parameters controlled by a checkbox cannot
be keyframed.
Note: Filters and Behaviors in the Inspector have special checkboxes that turn an effect on
and off. These checkboxes are blue when the effect is turned on, and gray when the effect is
turned off.
Activate or deactivate a parameter controlled by a checkbox
Click the checkbox.
Pop-up menu
Motion uses a variety of menus and menu-like controls. These include pop-up menus, value lists,
parameter selection menus, and tracking selection menus.
Menus cannot be keyframed.
67% resize factor