Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 963

background image

Chapter 22

Motion tracking


For two-point tracking, select the Rotation-Scale checkbox in the Behaviors Inspector (under
the Anchor checkbox).

For four-point tracking, choose Four Corners from the Type pop-up menu in the Behaviors
Inspector and proceed to

Four-point tracking workflows

on page 965.


Move the playhead to the frame where you want the track analysis to begin.


In the Canvas, drag the tracker (or trackers) to the reference area (or areas) to track.

As you drag the tracker in the Canvas, the region around the tracker becomes magnified to help
you find a suitable reference pattern.


Click the Analyze button in the HUD or Behaviors Inspector.

The foreground element is tracked to the background element.

Apply animation data of a source object to a destination object
You can instantly apply the animation of a source object to a destination object via the Match
Move behavior, without tracking analysis. The source object can be animated by behaviors or
keyframes. The following simple example uses a magic wand image (made up of a rectangle
shape) animated using the Spin behavior. The animation of the wand is then tracked to a particle
emitter to create the illusion of sparkles flying off the tip of the wand.


With the destination object selected, choose Motion Tracking > Match Move from the Add

Behavior pop-up menu in the toolbar.
In this example, a Match Move behavior is applied to a nonanimated particle emitter.

Match Move behavior

The closest animation data (such as position or rotation changes caused by keyframes or
behaviors) beneath the Match Move behavior in the Layers list is applied as the source
and appears in the Source well. In this example, the spinning Magic Wand Shape is the
source animation.

Source well and


pop-up menu

67% resize factor
