Chapter 11: final cut pro x templates, Final cut pro x templates overview, Template types – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 385: Final cut pro x, Templates overview, Final cut pro x templates
Final Cut Pro X templates overview
Final Cut Pro X ships with numerous effects, titles, transitions, and generators, nearly all of
which were created in Motion. If your Final Cut Pro project calls for additional effects, and you
are an advanced Motion user, you can build them using the powerful features in Motion. If you
are a content creator, you can distribute custom effects to artists and editors at your facility or
to clients.
Special-effect projects created in Motion 5 for use in Final Cut Pro X are called templates. When
you save a template in Motion, it becomes available in one of the Final Cut Pro media browsers.
For example, a transition template saved in Motion appears in the Transitions Browser in
Final Cut Pro, ready to be applied to an editing project.
You can limit or lock specific parameter controls to prevent Final Cut Pro users from modifying
crucial elements in the resulting effect. Published parameters appear in the Final Cut Pro
Inspector, where they can be edited and animated. For more information, see
parameters in templates overview
on page 420.
Note: Audio files saved in a Motion template will not be available in Final Cut Pro.
Additionally, most existing effects, transitions, titles, and generators in Final Cut Pro can be
opened and modified in Motion.
To learn more about building templates, choose a topic in the Help table of contents (the sidebar
to the left of this window).
For additional suggestions about streamlining the Motion-to-Final Cut Pro workflow, see
on page 437.
Template types
In Motion, there are four types of Final Cut templates:
Final Cut Effect: Use this template to create a custom stylized effect that can be applied to
edits and clips in the Final Cut Pro X Timeline. An effect can subtly or dramatically shape the
character of your editing project. A sepia-tone color correction might make an audience think
of days gone by, while a radiant glow might suggest an otherworldly setting. After you save
the template in Motion, the effect appears in the Effects Browser in Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Transition: Use this template to create a custom transition that can be applied to clips
in the Final Cut Pro Timeline. A transition artfully connects the edit point between two clips.
One scene might dissolve into the next in a cloud of smoke, or one setting might displace
another on a turning page. After you save the template in Motion, the transition appears in
the Transitions Browser in Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro X templates
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