Mini-timeline, Mini-timeline overview, Edit in the mini-timeline – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
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Chapter 8
Mini-Timeline overview
The mini-Timeline lies just above the transport controls and below the Canvas, providing an
at-a-glance look at where selected objects fit into your overall project. The mini-Timeline also
has a playhead to indicate which frame you are viewing as well as In point and Out point
markers to identify the play range. The length of the mini-Timeline represents the duration of the
entire project.
Out point marker
Selected object
In point marker
You can drag the playhead through the mini-Timeline to scrub your project, or to jump to a
specific point in time. In the mini-Timeline, you can also change the play range of the entire
project as well as move, trim, or slip a selected object.
For more information, see
on page 290.
Edit in the mini-Timeline
You can perform many nonlinear editing functions in the mini-Timeline. You can drag clips or
images from the File Browser, or objects from the Library (such as replicators or shapes), to the
mini-Timeline. You can also move, trim, and slip objects to change which portion of the object
appears at which point in time. For more information on editing functions such as Move, Trim,
and Slip, see
Edit objects in the Timeline overview
on page 267.
Add an object to the mini-Timeline
Drag the item from the File Browser to the mini-Timeline.
As you drag, a tooltip appears to indicate the frame where your edit will take place.
When you reach the desired frame, release the mouse button.
The object is added to the project beginning at that frame.
Add multiple objects to the mini-Timeline
You can also add multiple objects to the mini-Timeline at once. You can choose to add the
objects sequentially (one after another) or as a composite (all at the same point in time).
Tip: If the Timeline contains project markers, you can snap the imported object to a marker.
Drag the imported item over the mini-Timeline, then release the mouse button when a black bar
appears at the snap point. The layer’s In point is aligned to the project marker.
Shift-click to select multiple items in the File Browser, then drag them onto the mini-Timeline.
As you drag, a tooltip appears to indicate the frame where your edit will take place.
Continuing to hold down the mouse button, drag to the desired frame.
A drop menu appears.
67% resize factor