Chapter 1, Overview, How to use analog i/o – Rockwell Automation 1769-OF2 Compact I/O Analog Modules User Manual

Page 15: How to use analog i/o -1, Chapter

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Publication 1769-UM002B-EN-P - July 2005




This chapter explains how analog data is used, and describes the 1769-IF4 and
-IF8 analog input modules and the 1769-OF2, -OF8C, and -OF8V analog
output modules. Included is information about:

• the use of analog I/O
• the modules’ hardware and diagnostic features
• an overview of the 1769 analog input system operation
• an overview of the 1769 analog output system operation

How to Use Analog I/O

Analog refers to the representation of numerical quantities by the
measurement of continuous physical variables. Analog applications are present
in many forms. The following application shows a typical use of analog data.

In this application, the processor controls the amount of fluid in a holding
tank by adjusting the valve opening. The valve is initially open 100%. As the
fluid level in the tank approaches the preset point, the processor modifies the
output to close the valve 90%, 80%, and so on, continuously adjusting the
valve to maintain the fluid level.

Figure 1.1 Analog I/O Application Example


Analog I/O



Level Sensor

Analog input wired

to tank

Analog output
wired to valve
