Certificate, Scep configuration, Enrollment url – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 179: Polling interval
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 12 Administration
Administration | Certificate Management | Configure CA Certificate
Administration | Certificate Management |
Configure CA Certificate
This screen lets you configure this CA certificate to be able to issue identity certificates via SCEP.
Figure 12-48 Administration | Certificate Management | Configure CA Certificate Screen
The certificate for which you are configuring SCEP parameters. This is the name in the Subject field of
the Certificate Authorities table on the Administration | Certificate Management screen.
SCEP Configuration
Enrollment URL
Enter the URL where the VPN 3002 should send SCEP enrollment requests made to this CA certificate.
The default value of this field is the URL used to download this CA certificate.
Polling Interval
If the CA does not issue the certificate immediately (some CAs require manual verification of credentials
and this can take time), the certificate request could enter polling mode. In polling mode, the VPN 3002
re-sends the certificate request to the CA over a specified period until the CA responds or the process
times out.
Enter the number of minutes the VPN 3002 should wait between re-sends. The minimum number of
minutes is 1; the maximum number of minutes is 60. The default value is 1.