Sources menu, Menus – Grass Valley iMC-Panel-100 v. User Manual

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Master Control • iMC-Panel-100 Operator’s Guide


5. Menus

Sources Menu

For example, the values for a fade-cut (79, 13, 15) for a slow transition (150 frames) are:

Sum = 79 + 13 + 15 = 107
D = 79 / 107


= 150 × 79 / 107 = 110.747 = 111 frames

M = 13 / 107


= 150 × 13 / 107 = 18.224

= 18 frames

U = 15 / 107


= 150 × 15 / 107 = 21.028

= 21 frames


Up time in frames is adjusted so that total number of frames for the transition is exactly as spec-

The ‘Adjust Rates’ button switches to the sub-menu that lets you adjust the slow, medium, and fast
rates of the A/B mixer.

The ‘Main Menu’ button returns you to the main menu.

Sources Menu

Figure 5-20 shows the panel’s ‘Sources’ menu:

Figure 5-22. Sources Menu

This menu displays the names of source groups (on the green buttons) and displays the sources that
belong to the selected source group in blue. Up to 24 sources may belong to a group. To view a dif-
ferent source group, press the appropriate green button.

You can

• Add sources to the selected group.
• Remove sources from the selected group.
• Change a selected source (in the selected group).

The ‘Main Menu’ button returns you to the main menu.
