Please note while programming, Cycle parameters – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-02) Cycle programming User Manual
Page 452

Touch Probe Cycles: Automatic Datum Setting
16.10 DATUM CIRCLE CENTER (Cycle 416, DIN/ISO: G416)
TNC 640 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 5/2013
Please note while programming:
Danger of collision!
If you set a datum (Q303 = 0) with the touch probe
cycle and also use probe in TS axis (Q381 = 1), then
no coordinate transformation must be active.
Before a cycle definition you must have programmed
a tool call to define the touch probe axis.
Cycle parameters
Center in 1st axis Q273 (absolute): Bolt hole circle
center (nominal value) in the reference axis of
the working plane. Input range -99999.9999 to
Center in 2nd axis Q274 (absolute): Bolt hole
circle center (nominal value) in the minor axis of
the working plane. Input range -99999.9999 to
Nominal diameter Q262: Enter the approximate
bolt hole circle diameter. The smaller the hole
diameter, the more exact the nominal diameter
must be. Input range 0 to 99999.9999
Angle of 1st hole Q291 (absolute): Polar coordinate
angle of the first hole center in the working plane.
Input range -360.0000 to 360.0000
Angle of 2nd hole Q292 (absolute): Polar coordinate
angle of the second hole center in the working
plane. Input range -360.0000 to 360.0000
Angle of 3rd hole Q293 (absolute): Polar coordinate
angle of the third hole center in the working plane.
Input range -360.0000 to 360.0000