Sp2060 library manager, Y manager” on, Sp2060 library manager” window – Yamaha DME User Manual

Page 147

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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window

DME Designer Owner’s Manual


SP2060 Library Manager

Click the [SP2060 Library Manager] item in the [Tools] menu to open the “SP2060 Library Manager”

“SP2060 Library Manager” Window

Allows editing of SP2060 Speaker Processor component libraries. Up to 60 libraries can be stored for
each component, and up to 360 libraries can be stored for each SP2060 unit

Names and Functions

Speaker Processor List

Displays a list of the SP2060 units connected to the specified port.

Library List

Library titles and library file names are displayed in this list. The default titles are the file names
minus the file extension. Click a title to edit it. Titles can be up to 23 characters in length, but the
SP2060 display will only show 16 characters. 2-byte characters can also be used, but they will not
appear on the SP2060 display.

[Add File] Button

Adds a library file saved by the component editor (.cel extension) to the SP2060 selected in the
SP2060 list. When the [Add File] button is clicked the “Open” window will appear. Select a library
file and click the [Open] button to add the library.
The [Add File] button will be grayed out and inoperable if no SP2060 is selected.
Refer to the “Libraries” section on

page 350

for information on component editor libraries.


Only users with security status in which [Edit] is checked can edit this feature.


Only SP2060 units for which a port has been set via “MIDI Setup” can be edited.
