Configuration window, See “configuration window” on, Title bar – Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 287: Objects, I/o component
Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Configuration Window
The Configuration window is used for arranging components on the sheet and making logical
connections. It is displayed when you double-click on a DME or SP2060.
■ Title Bar
Displays “Device name (Zone name/Device Group name/Configuration name).” The configuration
window using Configuration1 for a DME64N placed in Device Group1 of Zone1 will be “DME64N
(Zone1/DME Group1/Configuration1).” The device name is set in the properties for the device
placed in the Zone window.
■ Objects
Objects such components, user modules, and shapes are arranged in the Configuration window.
When you double-click a component placed in the window, the editor set in “Double Click Action”
in “User Module Properties” will open.
■ I/O Component
Depending on the settings for the DME placed in the Zone window, I/O components will be
automatically placed or added.
• I/O components can be arranged in the DME24N, DME Satellite and SP2060 configuration
• When “Show Cascade Port” is ON in the DME64N “DME Device Properties” dialog, Cascade I/O
is added automatically.
• When you set a slot in the properties for a DME placed in the Zone window, Slot I/O will be
automatically added.
You cannot apply edit operations like cut/copy/paste/duplicate to I/O components, Slot I/O, and
Cascade I/O.
SP2060 configurations cannot be edited.
Tool Bar
User Module
I/O Component