Stop, Play next higher selection, Play random selection – Gilderfluke&Co Sd-50 Audio & Show Controllers User Manual

Page 87: Play same selection again, Play specific soundfile, Can step on track with a new play request

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You can set what will happen at the end of any of the SoundFiles. It can either sit there and wait for the next

input, or delay between 0 and 999.9 seconds (16.65 minutes) and play another track:

After the delay (or immediately), you can set to it to do any of the following:

a)! Stop

No SoundFile is selected or played at the end. The delay time is not used when set to ‘Stop’ at the end

of a sound.

b)! Play Next Higher Selection

This plays the next SoundFile sequentially at the end of the previous SoundFile. This setting is used to

play all the SoundFiles ‘round robin’. At the end of the list, the first track will be played again. As an option,
you can delay the start of the audio from 0 to 999.9 seconds (16.65 minutes) between each SoundFile.

c)! Play Random Selection

This plays a SoundFile picked at random from all the SoundFiles on the Sd/MMC flash card at the end

of the previous SoundFile. As an option, you can delay between each SoundFile from 0 to 999.9 seconds
(16.65 minutes).

d)! Play Same Selection Again

This selects and plays the same SoundFile again (and again and again and again…..), optionally after

a delay of 0 to 999.9 seconds (16.65 minutes). This is how you would choose to loop any single SoundFile.
If the delay time has been set to ‘zero’, then the audio player will loop the sound as ‘seamlessly’ as possi-
ble. For best results, use .wav files for ‘seamless’ looping. .mp3 files need a little bit of time to get rolling, so
there will always be a bit of delay when looping .mp3 files. Because they don’t have to decompress the
audio before it is played, .wav files don’t need this time to get rolling, so they will loop better.

e)! Play Specific SoundFile

This selects and plays a specific SoundFile from among those loaded on the Sd/MMC flash card at the

end of the previous SoundFile. This is how you would choose to create a ‘chain’ SoundFiles that plays in a
specific order. As an option, you can delay the start of the audio from 0 to 999.9 seconds (16.65 minutes)
between each SoundFile.

5) Can Step On Track with a new Play request

You must have previously selected one of the SoundFiles from your list at the bottom of this

window to use this command.

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Sd-50/xx Manual / October 29, 2012 2:29 PM / page 87 of 120
