Chapter 1: what’s new in final cut pro, What’s new in final cut pro 10.0.6, 10 what’s new in final cut pro 10.0.6 – Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 10: What’s new in final cut pro

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What’s new in Final Cut Pro 10.0.6?

Final Cut Pro 10.0.6 includes numerous new features and enhancements, detailed below.

Advanced multichannel audio editing
Final Cut Pro automatically groups audio channels into audio components according to how the
channels are configured for the clip. You can now expand the audio portion of clips to view and
edit audio components down to the individual channel level. You can edit audio components in
a variety of ways, including any of the following:

Adjust volume or pan.

Disable or delete ranges within an audio component to quickly edit out unwanted sounds.

Apply and adjust audio effects.

Add or remove audio components in a multicam clip.

For more information, see

Audio editing overview

on page 168.

Streamlined sharing and export
Sharing your finished work is easier and more flexible in Final Cut Pro 10.0.6. Destinations—sets
of preconfigured export settings—allow you to quickly publish a project or clip to a sharing
website, export it for viewing on iPad or iPhone, or burn it to a disc. Final Cut Pro comes with a
variety of destinations, and you can also modify destinations and create new destinations.

The simplified and streamlined sharing workflow includes these enhancements:

Simplified and consolidated menus that you can easily populate with customized destinations

Reusable destination bundles that allow you to share to multiple output formats and locations
at once

Automatic sharing of project and clip metadata, with the ability to customize the metadata
that is shared

Support for multiple accounts at video-sharing websites such as YouTube

Faster sharing and export using the GPU and background processing

Sharing of a selected range in a project in the Timeline or in a clip in the Event Browser

For more information, see

Sharing projects overview

on page 377.

Unified import
Simplified and easier to use, the new unified Media Import window provides one place to go for
all your importing needs. Final Cut Pro 10.0.6 offers dedicated areas for connected cameras and
devices, both file-based and tape-based, as well as a new Favorites section, where you can add
frequently used folders for file import from your hard disk or an external drive. Other new import
features include list view to see multiple columns of metadata, multiple range selections within
individual clips from file-based cameras, and complete archive-management tools.

For more information, see

Importing overview

on page 19.

What’s new in Final Cut Pro?

