Overwrite parts of your project – Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

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Chapter 8

Edit your project 


Overwrite parts of your project

In an overwrite edit, one or more source clips overwrite any clips in the primary storyline or
a selected storyline, starting at a range selection start point or at the playhead or skimmer
position. No clip items are rippled forward, so the duration of your project remains the same.









After edit

Before edit

Overwriting media is different from replacing it. Overwriting works with range selections only,
not entire clips, and it is not constrained by clip boundaries. Use an overwrite edit when you
want to edit media for a specific span of time, rather than specific shots.

Note: You can use three-point editing to make overwrite edits. For more information, see


point editing overview

on page 275.

Overwrite clips in the Timeline with clips from the Event Browser


Select one or more clips in the Event Browser.

If there are multiple source clips in the selection, the clips will appear in the Timeline in the order
in which they were selected.


To define where you want the overwrite clip to start in the Timeline, do one of the following in

the primary storyline or a selected storyline:

Position the playhead.

Select a range involving one or more clips in the Timeline.

Note: The overwrite command ignores whole clip selections in the Timeline. If you don’t select
a range in the Timeline, Final Cut Pro positions the start of the overwrite clip at the playhead or
skimmer position.


Choose Edit > Overwrite (or press D).

The source clip appears in the primary storyline and overwrites any clips for the duration of the
source clip.
Note: If you use the keyboard shortcut and the skimmer is present in the Timeline, the edit will
occur at the skimmer position.

To overwrite from the playhead back, so that the overwrite clip’s end point (rather than its start
point) is aligned at the target position, press Shift-D.
