View clips by role in the timeline, View clips by, Role in the timeline – Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

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Chapter 11

Advanced editing 



Type a name for the subrole.

The new subrole remains in the Subrole list and appears below its parent role in roles lists
elsewhere in Final Cut Pro. When you assign subroles to clips in the Timeline, the subroles also
appear in the Timeline Index.


View clips by role in the Timeline

You can use the Roles pane of the Timeline Index to view and play back clips by role in
the Timeline.

All video and audio clips are organized by the default roles of Video, Titles, Dialogue, Music, or
Effects, or by a custom role or subrole you’ve created. You can turn off roles to suspend playback
for all clips with those roles assigned. For example, you could turn off all roles except Dialogue to
play back only dialogue clips, and then turn on the Music role to listen to the movie soundtrack
along with the dialogue.

Roles give you a powerful way to organize and preview clips before exporting them as files for
broadcast or audio post-production.

Note: Turning roles on or off in the Timeline Index does not affect export settings or clip settings
in the Event Browser, the Timeline, or the inspectors.

Turn roles on or off


In the Timeline Index, click the Roles button.


In the Roles pane, select the checkboxes next to the roles or subroles you want to turn on.

Deselect the checkboxes next to the roles or subroles you want to turn off.
