Add and adjust clip effects, Clip effects overview, Add effects to your project – Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

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Chapter 10

Add transitions, titles, effects, and generators 


Add and adjust clip effects

Clip effects overview

In addition to the built-in effects, Final Cut Pro includes a wide variety of video effects that
you can apply to your project’s video clips. Many of the effects modify the look of your video,
from adding a blur or glow to severe distortions. Some effects overlay camcorder or timecode
graphics. There is also an effect for keying one video clip over another.

Final Cut Pro also includes a broad range of audio effects that you can apply to your project’s
audio clips. Many of the effects modify the sound of your audio, from subtle echoes to severe
pitch distortions.

Once you have added an effect, you can adjust its parameters. Some effects have few
adjustments, while others provide a comprehensive set, allowing you a lot of control over how
the effects look. Effects can even be animated, with their settings changing as the clip plays.

You can apply multiple effects to your clips, creating a stack of effects. The order that you apply
the effects, however, can affect how the final video looks.

Additionally, many of the video effects can be opened and changed in Motion, allowing you to
create specialized versions for use in your projects.

Add effects to your project

You add effects to clips in your project using the Effects Browser.

Add an effect to a project clip


Select a clip in the Timeline and click the Effects button in the toolbar.


In the Effects Browser, select an effect, using any of the following to help you make the selection:

To preview what the effect looks like using the video from the currently selected Timeline clip: Move
the pointer over the video effect thumbnails.

To preview changing the effect’s primary control: Hold down the Option key while moving the
pointer over a video effect thumbnail.

To filter the list of effects that appear: Type text in the Effects Browser search field.


Do one of the following:

Drag the effect to the Timeline clip to which you want to apply it.

Double-click the effect thumbnail to apply it to the selected clip.

You can now adjust the effect.
